City of St Charles School District
A Proud Past...An Enlightened Future
- City of St Charles School District
- Free and Reduced Lunch
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Free & Reduced-Price Food Services
Eligible students, as determined by appropriate school officials based on guidelines established under the national school lunch program, will be provided nutritionally acceptable meals at no cost or at a reduced cost, if they are unable to pay the regular price.The criteria for determining a student's need and the procedures for securing "no-cost" and "reduced-cost" lunches for the student will be outlined and made known each year by the Business Office. The criteria and procedures are established at the state/federal level.
If required by law the district will establish a school breakfast program and a summer food service program for eligible students or will adopt a resolution requesting a waiver excusing the district from these requirements. Such writing shall be filed with the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and shall be valid for a period of three years.
The students who participate in "no-cost" or "reduced-cost" meals will not be distinguished in any way from students who pay the regular price. Their names will not be made known to any person except such staff members as needed to make the special arrangements for the students.
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Adopted: 10/14/1993
Legal Refs: 167.201, .211, 191.800 - .815, RSMo.
P.L. 79-396, National School Lunch Act, as amended and accompanying regulations
P.L. 89-642, Child Nutrition Act of 1966 as amended and accompanying regulations
St. Charles School District, St. Charles, Mo.Free and Reduced-Price Food Services (Cont.)
The School District of the City of St. Charles hereby assures the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education that the district will observe the following policies and regulations with respect to determining the eligibility of children for free or reduced-price meals under the national school lunch program and/or breakfast program.
1. The director of food services has been designated to determine which individual children are eligible for free or reduced-price meals under the following policy.
2. The school will provide application forms to patrons requesting free or reduced-price meals for their children. Patrons will be notified individually of the acceptance or denial of their applications, and, if the application is accepted, will be informed of the procedure to be followed by the child to receive such meals. If the application is denied, the patron will be informed of the name of the official to whom he or she may appeal the decision.
3. In making collections from children who pay for their meals and in accounting for the
number of free or reduced-price meals served, the following procedure will be observed
in order that no other child in the school will be aware of the identity of the children
receiving free or reduced-price meals.In all elementary schools a designated form for recording names of students and the number of days they pay for meals will be used. This form will be used only for students paying for meals in advance and not for students paying cash daily. For children on "free" or "reduced" cost meals, their names are listed along with all children paying by the week. Children listed on this form go through the regular line and tell the cashier their name. A check mark is made in the column corresponding to the day of the week. The cashier, the principal of the school, and, possibly, the child's teacher are the only people who know what a child pays for meals. The cashier can count the number of free meals served each day from this form.
Students can purchase weekly meal tickets in the middle schools and high schools. Free or reduced-price meal students are requested to see the cafeteria manager some time during the day to get their meal tickets. The manager can keep a record of the tickets issued and report the meals served when the student turns in an old ticket that has been completely punched. At this time a new ticket is issued. The school principal and cafeteria manager would be the only people aware of a student using free or reduced-price meal tickets.
4. The policy set forth herein for determining the eligibility of children for free or reduced price meals and the procedure to be followed by patrons wishing to apply for such
determination will be announced to all patrons of the School District of the City of St.
Charles.5. The names of children determined to be eligible for free or reduced-price meals will not
be published, posted or announced in any manner.6. Children receiving free or reduced-price meals will not be required as a condition of
receiving such meals to:- Use a separate lunchroom or section of the lunchroom.
- Go through a separate serving line.
- Enter the lunchroom through a different entrance than is used by children who are paying the full price for meals.
- Eat meals at a different time from paying children.
- Work for their meal (unless other children are required to do so as a part of their educational training).
- Use a different medium of exchange in the lunchroom than is used by the paying children.
- Eat a meal that is different from that eaten by paying children.
7. The school will use current guidelines as published by the federal government relating to income and size of family in determining the eligibility of children for free or reduced-price meals when such children are from families who are not receiving any form of public assistance or are not participants in the Food Stamp or Commodity Distribution Programs.
8. The school will amend the policy as necessary to conform with current federal government
regulations.St. Charles School District, St. Charles, Mo.