Lewis & Clark Career Center
Leading Through Innovation
- Lewis & Clark Career Center
- Required ECC Course Paperwork
Early Childhood Careers
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General Information
Required ECC course paperwork:
ALL paperwork must be completed and turned in to the instructor by Friday, August 26th.
*Workbook FEE
1st year student’s workbook fee is $28.00 and 2nd year student’s workbook fee is $30.00. (To order and pay go to Lewis and Clark Website - LC Storefront - ECC)
*SkillsUSA membership
The membership fee is $25. ECC participates in a national student organization called SkillsUSA. In addition, all of Lewis and Clark actively participates in this organization. We have 5 requirements connected to our student organization that if completed result in a set of cords to be worn at the student’s home school graduation. (To pay go to Lewis and Clark Website - LC Storefront - SkillsUSA)
*Background Check
The attached form gives you the instructions to follow to set up a MACHS account and complete a background check. AFTER YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE BACKGROUND CHECK PROCESS, A FORM WILL BE GENERATED AND MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE INSTRUCTOR AS DOCUMENTATION.
The attached form gives you the instructions to follow to set up a MACHS account and schedule a fingerprinting appointment. AFTER YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE FINGERPRINTING PROCESS, A RECEIPT MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE INSTRUCTOR AS DOCUMENTATION.
*Photo, Transportation, and Video permission form
ECC Uniform Apparel Order Form
First year students are required to purchase three 3 ECC polo shirts AND one ¼ zipped long sleeve jacket. The other listed clothing are optional and may be worn on class days only. In addition to this order, ALL students must have bootcut jeans, dress black pants, clean tennis shoes, and solid black dress shoes (Tom’s, Bob’s, Sketcher’s can be considered acceptable if they are solid black). A wrist watch is also recommended. (To order and pay go to Lewis and Clark Website - LC Storefront - ECC)
*Medical Form/TB Risk Assessment Form
The attached forms must be completed by a physician. The first page of the TB Risk Assessment Form is completed by the student and the second page is completed by the physician. The actual TB test occurs in two visits. The first visit is the shot and the second visit is to have the test read and results recorded. (Second year students only need to repeat the TB test if they have traveled outside of the US in the last 6 months)
* underlined titles are standardized forms that need to be completed and returned, these are included in this packet or are available online to print at https://mo01910164.schoolwires.net/lewisandclarkcareercenter. This paperwork needs to be redone for 2nd year students.
- Click at the top of the screen on Programs, then click on education and training, and on the left hand side of the screen will be a tab to click on labeled Required ECC Course Paperwork.
Internet Usage Form
City of St Charles School District
Internet Usage Policy
Student Users
All student users and their parents/guardians must sign or electronically consent to the district's User Agreement prior to accessing or using district technology resources, unless otherwise excused by this policy or the superintendent or designee. Students who are 18 or who are otherwise able to enter into an enforceable contract may sign or consent to the User Agreement without additional signatures. Students who do not have a User Agreement on file with the district may be granted permission to use the district's technology resources by the superintendent or designee.
General Rules and Responsibilities
The following rules and responsibilities will apply to all users of the district's technology resources:
Applying for a user ID under false pretenses or using another person's ID or password is prohibited.
Sharing user IDs or passwords with others is prohibited, and users will be responsible for any actions taken by those using the ID or password. A user will not be responsible for theft of passwords and IDs, but may be responsible if the theft was the result of user' negligence.
Deleting, examining, copying or modifying files or data belonging to other users without their prior consent is prohibited.
Mass consumption of technology resources that inhibits use by others is prohibited.
Use of district technology for soliciting, advertising, fundraising, commercial purposes or financial gain is prohibited, unless authorized by the district, Use of district technology resources to advocate, support or oppose any ballot measure or candidate for public office is prohibited.
Accessing fee services without permission from an administrator is prohibited. A user who accesses such services without permission is solely responsible for all charges incurred.
Users are required to obey all laws, including criminal, copyright, privacy, defamation and obscenity laws. The district will render all reasonable assistance to local, state or federal officials for the investigation and prosecution of persons using district technology in violation of any law.
The district prohibits the use of district technology resources to access, view or disseminate information that is pornographic, obscene, child pornography, harmful to minors, obscene to minors, libelous, or pervasively indecent or vulgar.
Accessing, viewing or disseminating information on any product or service not permitted to minors is prohibited unless under the direction and supervision of district staff for curriculum-related purposes.
The district prohibits the use of district technology resources to access, view or disseminate information that constitutes insulting or fighting words, the very expression of which injures or harasses other people (e.g., threats of violence, defamation of character or of a person's race, religion or ethnic origin); presents a clear and present likelihood that, because of their content or their manner of distribution, they will cause a material and substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities; or will cause the commission of unlawful acts or the violation of lawful district policies and procedures.
The district prohibits any use that violates any person's rights under applicable laws, and specifically prohibits any use that has the purpose or effect of discriminating against or harassing any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, genetic information, pregnancy or use of leave protected by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
The district prohibits any unauthorized intentional or negligent action that damages or disrupts technology, alters its normal performance or causes it to malfunction. The district will hold users responsible for such damage and will seek both criminal and civil remedies, as necessary.
Users may only install and use properly licensed software and audio or video media purchased by the district or approved for use by the district. All users will adhere to the limitations of the district's technology licenses. Copying for home use is prohibited unless permitted by the district's license and approved by the district.
At no time will district technology or software be removed from district premises, unless authorized by the district.
All users will use the district's property as it was intended. Technology resources will not be moved or relocated without permission from a building administrator. All users will be held accountable for any damage they cause to district technology resources
Technology Security and Unauthorized Access
All users shall immediately report any security problems or misuse of the district's technology resources to a teacher or administrator,
Use of district technology resources in attempting to gain or gaining unauthorized access to any technology system or the files of another is prohibited.
Use of district technology to connect to other systems, in evasion of the physical limitations of the remote system, is prohibited.
The unauthorized copying of system files is prohibited.
Intentional or negligent attempts, whether successful or unsuccessful, to interfere with the ability of others to utilize any district technology are prohibited.
Users will be granted access privileges to district technology resources as determined appropriate by the superintendent or designee. Any attempt to secure a higher level of privilege without authorization is prohibited.
The introduction of computer viruses, hacking tools or other disruptive or destructive programs into a district computer, network or any external networks is prohibited.
Online Safety and Confidentiality
Curricular or noncurricular publications distributed using district technology will comply with the law and Board policies on confidentiality.
All district employees will abide by state and federal law, Board policies and district rules when using district technology resources to communicate information about personally identifiable students. Employees will take precautions to prevent negligent disclosure of student information or student records.
All students will be instructed on the dangers of sharing personal information about themselves or others over the Internet and are prohibited from sharing such information unless authorized by the district. Student users shall not agree to meet with someone they have met online without parental approval and must promptly disclose to a teacher or another district employee any message the user receives that is inappropriate or makes the user feel uncomfortable.
Electronic Mail and Messaging
A user is responsible for all e-mail and other electronic messages originating from the user's e-mail or other electronic messaging accounts.
Forgery or attempted forgery of electronic messages is illegal and prohibited.
Unauthorized attempts to read, delete, copy or modify electronic messages of other users are prohibited.
Users are prohibited from sending unsolicited mass e-mail or other electronic messages. The district considers more than ten addresses per message, per day a violation, unless the communication is a necessary, employment-related function or an authorized publication.
When communicating electronically, all users must comply with district policies, regulations and procedures and adhere to the same standards expected in the classroom.
Users must obtain permission from the superintendent or designee before sending any districtwide electronic messages.
Any user who believes he or she has a legitimate educational purpose for using the district's technology in a manner that may violate any of the district's policies, regulations or procedures may request a waiver from the building principal, superintendent or their designees. In making the decision to grant a waiver to a student, the administrator shall consider the purpose, age, maturity and level of supervision involved.
Supply Lists
Year 1 - 2 1/2 inch binder with clear plastic protectors, 1 package looks leaf notebook paper, writing utensils, personal set of headphones with computer jack, 2 packages of page protectors nad one package of 8 binder tabsl
Year 2 - 1 inch binder with clear plastic protectors, personal set of headphones with computer jack, 4 packages of clear page protectors, one set of at least 12 write on stickey index tabs.
This form gives you the instructions to follow to set up a MACHS account and schedule a fingerprinted appointment. AFTER YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE FINGERPRINTING PROCESS, A RECEIPT MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE INSTRUCTOR AS DOCUMENTATION.
ECC Uniform Apparel Order Form
First year students are required to purchase three (3) ECC polo shirts and one 1/4 zipped long sleeve jacket. The other listed clothing are optional and may be worn on class days only. In addition to this order, ALL students must have bootcut jeans, dress black pants, clean tennis shoes, and solid black dress shoes, (Tom's, Bob's, Skecher's can be sonsidered acceptable if they are solid black). A wrist watch is also recommended. (To order and pay, got to Lewis & Clark website-LC Storefront-ECC)
TB Risk Assessment Form
These forms must be completed by a physician. The first page of the TB Risk Assessment Form is completed by the student and the second page is completed by the Physician. The acutual TB test occurs in two visits. The first visit is the shot and the second visit is to have the test read and the result recorded.