• College & AP Courses
    St. Charles High School offers 15 Advanced Placement Courses.  An AP course gives the students both high school credit and also college credit for qualifying AP exam scores.  Students usually earn a 3, 4, or 5 on the 5 point scale and will receive three or more hours of college credit from the college/university where their scores are sent. Students should contact their chosen college/university to see how many hours will be credited for AP courses.
    The following Advanced Placement Course are offered at St. Charles High School. 
     Fine Arts  Science & Math  Social Studies  English Business Education  Foreign Language
     Studio Art  Biology Government & Politics   Language & Composition Computer Science French 
    Music Theory  Chemistry  European History  Literature & Composition    German
      Physics   World History      Spanish

    College Credit Courses:

    -University of Missouri- St.Louis
         *Calculus (5 credits)
         *College Algebra (3 credits)
    Missouri Southern State University
    *College U.S. History 1 & 2 (3 credits each)
    *College Composition (3 credits)
    *AP Bio (3 credits)