What You Need to Know
  • 2nd Grade Homework Expectations:


    100 minutes of a reading activity every week: This can be working on the fundations packet for 20 minutes, reading a book, logging into Boddle ELA or SPlash Learn ELA. 


    Complete 10-15 minutes of a math activity a night. Each week a homework sheet will be sent home. You can do this, internet learning, or some other math activity. Be sure to track homework completion in your students' leadership binder. Students will meet daily with their accountability partner to check in to see if they completed their homework. If students turn in paper homework, they earn PBIS tickets for turning in their work completion.

    Approved Websites for math homework:

    Don't have access to the Internet? Use:

    • flashcards
    • play this fluency game:
      • **roll 2 dice, add or subtract the numbers together**
    • Be creative! Make up a game at home together! :0)

    Tracking Homework

    • Your student will have a homework tracker sheet in their binder under the My Goals Tab(blue). 

    • Please have your student circle if they completed a reading and math activity for each night they do it. 

    • Homework tracking sheets will be what we use to give grades on the report card for homework completion. 


    Thank you for all of your support!

    The 2nd Grade Team


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