

    1. Each person must have their own Physical Education uniform; which includes navy or black shorts, a grey short sleeve shirt, and tennis shoes with socks.  Write your name on everything!  

    2. The use of deodorant is strongly encouraged but students may not use aerosol deodorants or sprays.  (I.E. Axe, Bath and Body, Etc.)

    3. Bring sweatshirts/pants for cooler weather.

    4. P.E. clothes should be taken home and laundered at least once a week.


    1. The P.E. lockers may only be used during P.E. class.  Students must keep their P.E. clothes in their hall locker prior to, and after class.

    2. If students use a P.E. locker, they must bring their own combination lock from home.  Students are responsible for keeping the combinations.

    3. The school is not responsible for valuables!  Please leave your valuables at home or in your school locker.

    4. If you use a lock, remove it when class is dismissed.  Any lock found on a locker after class is over will be cut off immediately!


    1. Your P.E. grade is determined by:

      1. Participation in daily activities

      2. Sportsmanship

      3. Written Tests

      4. Skills Tests

      5. Squads and Exercises

      6. Dressing out

    2. Standards based grading:

      1. 4 = Exceptional skill AND behavior

      2. 3 = Expected skill AND behavior

      3. 2 = Exhibits basic skills needed and minor behavior infractions

      4. 1 =  Lacking basic skills needed AND unacceptable behavior


    1. If a student is well enough to be in school, the student is able to dress out for P.E. class.  The only exception would be a student who has a note signed by a doctor excusing the student for an extended period of time.

    2. Students are allowed 2 parent notes every nine weeks (quarter) in which they may be excused with no penalty.  They still must dress out to earn their daily points!  If a student has more than two parent notes they will be required to have a doctor’s note to sit out of P.E.

    3. It is important for students to dress out for not only their grade, but to also practice good personal hygiene.

    1. The consequences for not dressing out are as follows: (starts over each quarter)

    1st time:  Warning

    2nd time:  Student will call home and ask their parents to help them remember their clothes.

    3rd time:  Teacher will contact parent, and student will participate in their regular clothes.

    4th time:  Student will fill out a refocus, parent will contacted.

    5th and subsequent times:  Student will be referred to the office and discipline will be determined by the administration.


    1. Safety will be stressed at all times!  Students will receive instruction on all safety factors before participation.

    2. No profanity, horseplay, or excessive loud noise will be allowed.

    3. Students will come into the gym and immediately go into the locker room and dress out. They will have 4 minutes to dress from the time the bell rings.  Once you are dressed, please go into the gym and SIT in your squad spot.

    4. All injuries should be reported immediately to your teacher.  

    5. No one will be allowed in the locker room during class without teacher permission.  Doors will be locked.

    6. No one at any time should stand on the benches in the locker rooms.

    7. Jewelry is not recommended during class for safety.

    8. P.E. Equipment must not be used without permission and there are NO STUDENTS allowed in the equipment closet without a teacher present.

    9. The divider should not be touched at any time.