• The DIAL-4 Screening

    In order to enter the early childhood program, your child will be given the DIAL-4 (Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning – Fourth Edition).   This screening instrument is designed to determine whether a child is developing within the average range for his/her age or whether there is some indication of a possible delay in his/her development.  The DIAL-4 examines three areas of development: motor, concepts and language.

    • In the Motor area, we are noting the child’s large and small muscle control as well as eye-hand coordination. We want to see how he/she is learning to use his/her body for jumping, hopping, building blocks, cutting, copying and writing.
    • In the Concepts area, we are looking for the child’s beginning understanding of such things as colors, counting, body parts and early opposite concepts.
    • In the Language area, we are looking for the child’s ability in speaking and using language.  We will be checking to see that he or she makes the appropriate speech sounds for his/her age.  Language includes the child’s understanding of words as well as his/her ability to use words for communicating with others.

    In addition to screening with the DIAL-4,
    we check your child’s vision, hearing, height and 

    Remember your child is not expected to display every skill or perform it perfectly.  Tasks are arranged developmentally so that we can determine if your child is performing in the average range according to his/her age.
    Upon completion of the screening, the screener reviews the Parent Information Questionnaire and your child’s screening performance.  This information will be used to determine which early childhood program your child qualifies to attend. In order to be placed in an early childhood classroom, your child MUST complete the DIAL-4 screening.
    Keep in mind that this is only a screening and not an “in depth” diagnostic assessment.  If you  have questions  or  concerns  about  your  child’s  development,  please  feel  free  to discuss them with the screener or with your classroom teacher.